The Military Working Mom

How to Grow Your Family Through Embryo Adoption (featuring Jen Lowell)

Episode Summary

Jen Lowell is a military spouse, NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Women's Health Specialist, and Certified Nutrition Coach. But more importantly Jen is a mother who fought to grow her family and continues to find a way to do so. In Jen's mid-twenties she was informed her and her husband had a slim, if any chance of conceiving children of their own. But Jen and her husband didn't give up there or stop looking for a way that would work for their family. One day, Jen's husband found Embryo Adoption, which would change their world forever in a miraculous way. The couple pursued this method, which only took a few short months, until Jen was joyfully pregnant with their first child!<br><br>Listen in to understand what is embryo adoption, what the process looks like, and how Jen needs your help to continue to grow her family.

Episode Notes


Vote for her to win the Ms. Health and Fitness competition and receive $20K by clicking below

Ms Health & Fitness


For those of you who don't know me, my name is Jen, hi! 
I am a Certified Personal Trainer, Women's Health Specialist, and Certified Nutrition Coach and am lucky enough to run my own small business helping empower women in the abilities of their own bodies. 

I am currently in a competition called Ms Health & Fitness, and would love and appreciate any support I can rally up from all of you fellow military women and spouses! Why is your support important? The winner of this competition wins $20k, which would be incredibly beneficial for my husband and I continuing to grow our family. That precious boy you see in the photo above with me was brought into our lives via embryo adoption. To sum up what embryo adoption is if you haven't heard of it: we legally adopted embryos from another couple, completed a frozen embryo transfer to me, I got pregnant, and now we have Colton! He is our ray of sunshine and hope after our journey going through infertility. While not as expensive as traditional adoption, embryo adoption and the medical expenses involved in frozen embryo transfers can rack up quick. 

As we prepare and plan for our next adoption, I wanted to see if I could do something big to help us out. So I took a leap and signed up to compete in this contest. You can click the link in the episode notes and submit a "free vote" every single day for me if you feel so inclined. You can also purchase "Warrior Votes" where each $1 donated equals 1 vote for me. All proceeds for Warrior Votes are donated to the Homes for Wounded Warriors Foundation


If you've read all of this, thank you for your time! And if you take the time to help support me at the link below, thank you so much in advance!!



Embryo adoption is when a couple chooses to give their embryo a chance for life by providing another couple who may be incapable of conceiving naturally a chance to become parents. The form of adoption allows the woman receiving the embryos an opportunity to experience pregnancy and the birth of a child.



The average cost of embryo adoption and medical implantation is $20,000.



IG: @_jensjourneys_

FB: @Jen Lowell